Getting Started with NextJS
NextJS is a framework for ReactJS.
Wait a second ... a "framework" for React? Isn't React itself already a framework for JavaScript?
Well ... first of all, React is a "library" for JavaScript. That seems to be important for some people.
Not for me, but still, there is a valid point: React already is a framework / library for JavaScript. So it's already an extra layer on top of JS.
Why would we then need NextJS?
Because NextJS makes building React apps easier - especially React apps that should have server-side rendering (though it does way more than just take care of that).
In this article, we'll dive into the core concepts and features NextJS has to offer:
- File-based Routing
- Built-in Page Pre-rendering
- Rich Data Fetching Capabilities
- Image Optimization
- Much More
File-based Routing

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